If the artwork you purchase through our platform doesn’t arrive, arrives damaged, or isn’t as described, rest assured—we are dedicated to resolving the issue. To ensure your complete satisfaction and security, we hold funds for 14 days after delivery, allowing you time to review your purchase. Whether you prefer a full refund or an alternative solution, we’ll ensure you’re well taken care of during this period. If you choose to return the artwork, please note that you will be responsible for the return shipping fee and for ensuring the piece is insured during transit.
Ezeldotz assists sellers with artwork typically valued between £1,000 and £100,000. We provide expert advice on valuation and help you establish a realistic sales price. Once you're satisfied with the price, we’ll market your artwork on our website and to our extensive database of thousands of clients.
To sell your artwork, simply navigate to the "Sell" section in the top menu. Follow the brief process to provide details about your piece. One of our art consultants will review your submission and let you know if there's demand for your artwork. If so, we’ll suggest a listing price. Once you approve, you’ll sign a "Sellers Contract," and we’ll take care of listing and marketing your artwork for you.
A market review is a thorough analysis conducted by our art consultants to determine the best sales price for your artwork. We evaluate the artist’s history, previous sale prices of similar works, and current market demand to provide you with an informed recommendation.
Proof of purchase is important for us as an online seller to establish authenticity and provenance. However, if you've lost your receipt or invoice, or if the artwork was a gift, we may still be able to assist you. Please reach out to us with the details of your artwork, and we’ll discuss your options.
You will receive your payment within 14 days of the buyer's delivery. This timeframe allows the buyer to confirm their satisfaction with the purchase. If they approve the artwork sooner, we will release the funds to you at that time.