If the artwork you purchase through our platform doesn’t arrive, arrives damaged, or isn’t as described, rest assured—we are dedicated to resolving the issue. To ensure your complete satisfaction and security, we hold funds for 14 days after delivery, allowing you time to review your purchase. Whether you prefer a full refund or an alternative solution, we’ll ensure you’re well taken care of during this period. If you choose to return the artwork, please note that you will be responsible for the return shipping fee and for ensuring the piece is insured during transit.
We currently do not charge for valuations.
Ezeldotz charges a commission of 28%, which is split equally between the buyer and seller. Additionally, we pay out Artist Resale Rights based on the artist's country of residence, ensuring that the artist receives a small percentage of the sale.
Generally, our commission fees are much lower than those of established national and regional auction houses. Our asking price includes all fees and commissions, so if you buy an artwork for £10,000 from Ezeldotz, that is the total amount you'll pay. In contrast, buyers at auction houses may face an additional 30% in fees after the hammer drops. For example, a £10,000 artwork could end up costing you £13,000 in total.
Yes, shipping is included in the sale price unless the artwork is being shipped internationally. In that case, we will provide you with a shipping quote. We supply the seller with custom packaging designed for the artwork. A courier of our choice will then collect the piece a day or two later and deliver it to you. Please note that we do not cover the cost of insurance during transit; this responsibility lies with the seller.