Peter Goodfellow
Peter Goodfellow was born in Middlesbrough in 1950. He was educated at Billingham North Primary then Bede Hall Grammar School. He studied art at Middlesbrough College of Art where he took a Foundation Course from 1967 to 1968 and a Degree Course at Central School of Art, London, from 1967 to 1971.
Peter’s professional career began as a freelance illustrator, mainly in the field of book jacket, advertising and packaging design. With agents in New York, Hamburg and London he established himself as one of Europe’s leading illustrators.
He moved to Scotland in 1985 and in 1995 Peter switched careers and established himself as one of the country’s best known landscape painters. He describes himself as an ‘out and out colourist’ and often paints the same subject repeatedly to distil colour and form.
Over the last few years a new direction has emerged featuring portraits and the urban environment, and in some works a highly political content is beginning to evolve. His recently published book, ‘Treason of the Scholars’, is a collection of his own paintings and selected essays by a number of academics, David Starkey, Roger Scruton and Duncan MacMillan. He laments the current state of the art establishment and the betrayal of art by curators and money-men.