Gail Troth
Gail Troth

Gail Troth

Gail Troth was born in Birmingham UK in 1954. She has traveled widely in Europe, the Far East, Africa and America even as far as Australia where she lived for several years. However having gone full circle her studio is now based in Birmingham UK. Having worked as a jewellery designer and commercial artist she is now a self employed fine artist. Gail’s goal is to produce paintings that paint themselves, that generate outcomes that intrigue her. To achieve this she has developed a method that entails dropping the paint onto the canvas. This is a non-interventionist approach which uses gravity to produce delicate structure and pattern. The results that arise often resemble structures that occur within natural self-organising systems, for example animal and plant cells or mineral and crystal formations.

Gail says “The structure and pattern produced surprise me as they arise from an area not open to manual manipulation, this prompts me to explore further”


Gail Troth ‘Robert’s Sister’ Original

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